Entries Published On April, 2013
Aries profile information and traits
Aries horoscope The Aries zodiac sign are those born from March 21 and April 19. Those who are born between those dates have the following Aries characteristics: Generous Independent Optimistic Enthusiastic Courageous Of course, being an Aries can have some drawbacks. Some of the drawbacks of being an Aries are: Temperamental and short-tempered Self-absorbed Impulsive …
Aquarius Profile Information and Traits
Aquarius horoscope The Aquarius zodiac sign are those born from January 20 to February 18. Those who are born between those dates have the following Aquarius characteristics: Witty Clever Humanitarian Inventive Original Of course, being a Leo can have some drawbacks. Some of the drawbacks of being a Leo include: Stubborn Unemotional Sarcastic Rebellious Aloof …